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03 septembre 2021

Don Ho - The Don Ho TV Show (Reprise RS 6367)

Ne zappez pas ! Restez sur le poste ! Don Ho fait le spectacle. 
Comme toujours, rip à partir du Lp original. Bonne écoute!

L'album + pochette : ici

3 commentaires:

FiveGunsWest a dit...

I lived in the central valley of California as a boy. A tiny town in the middle of olive orchards and vineyards. Levees we used to swim in when it was hot. We'd save up our lunch money all week and get quarts of Colt 45 Malt Liquor and buy a matchbox full of Mexican weed and then party at the levee on the weekend listening to Creedence Clearwater Revival, Frijid Pink, and Blues Magoos.

I remember this TV show. My mom watched it. My dad was in Vietnam. We kids hated this show. Thought it was square and hokey. Funny to hear it now and it's enjoyable and the memories, the emotions and even the smells flood in, Hai Karate Oriental Lime aftershave, Marlboro Reds and cheap weed.

Thanks All the best to you

Anonyme a dit...

Thanks for Mr. Ho!

Tiki Lika a dit...

~~ Mahalo! ~~ Merci! ~~ Thanks! ~~