En dansant le Cha Cha Cha et le Merengue macabre, chéri... Je sens au loin l'appel des Caraïbes. Que peut-on faire comme drink avec du rhum, de la Tequila et du Mezcal ? Jus de Lime et Agostura ? Comme toujours, rip à partir du Lp original. Bonne écoute!
L'album + pochette : ici
3 commentaires:
Thank you. These songs were also released as:
(1) Pupo Lopez/Pepi Lopez (12'' 1957)
(2) Pedro & His Amigos (12'')
(3) Pupo Rayes & His Latins from Manhattan (10'')
Pickwick Records has released them on many of their budget labels: Design, Bravo, Grand Prix, and their custom label for Sears. They might have originally been from 78s, or a public domain recording from Cuba. I haven't been able to trace them back.
Thanks Tam Tam. Listening right now... I must have some Latin blood in me somewhere, because this style of music always gets my hips a swinging.
Muchas gracias por compartir este archivo, muy buena música, saludos.
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