Alfred Apaka - The Golden Voice Of The Islands (Capitol Records DT 1882)
Encore et toujours le magnifique Alfred Apaka et sa voix d'or. Dégustez sans aucune modération. Aloha! Comme toujours, rip à partir du Lp original. Bonne écoute!
L'album + pochette : ici
Il y a 4 heures
5 commentaires:
Thanks alot! Greetings from the Northern Hawaii: Norway!
THANK YOU for this, you are finding a lot of the real golden age of Hawaiian music lately and it is very much appreciated!
~~ Mahalo! ~ Merci! ~ Thanks! ~~
Great voice, great album.
Dear friend.......this is sheer good luck of mine that I suddenly came across yr wonderful, raremost collection.It's really amazing how you managed to collect such a huge collection that reflects yr tasate for music.Thanx for sharing.If u can write a few lines, I'll be much obliged.
Dipankar Adhikary,
Kolkata, West Bengal,
e-mail >dipu_kalo@
kalodipu @
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