Edmundo Ros and His Orchestra - The New Rhythms Of The South (Phase 4 SP 44054)
TamTam & Mélodie est de retour avec un Lp dans le plus pur style Exotica : Edmundo Ros and His Orchestra - The New Rhythms Of The South... Histoire de poursuivre et de compléter votre collection d'Edmundo Ros. Comme toujours, rip à partir du Lp original. Bonne écoute!
L'album + pochette : ici
Il y a 4 heures
15 commentaires:
Crazy! I just ripped this LP a few months ago and gave it back to the thrift shop! But, it might be easier to download yours than to split the tracks that I ripped, volume-level them, etc.
I would love it if you could repost your 2006 Hawaiian music.
I have another treat for you to share. I found another Hawaiian Cassette tape at my father's house. Again, it's got no case or cover and searching Google, I cannot find any reference to this album or who the artist was. They sound like a cross between the Big Ben Hawaiian Band and the Waikiki's. If you find a cover and the artist, can you let me know please.
Please feel free to add it to your blogs. I have removed any hiss and mains or motor noise and the finished result is very clear.
Hawaiian Pure Gold - Unknown
Password: www.foruminx.com
12 Tracks:
01 - I'll See You In Hawaii
02 - Beyond The Reef
03 - Lovely Hula Hands
04 - Love Song From Hawaii
05 - South Sea Island Magic
06 - The Hawaiian Wedding Song
07 - My Little Grass Shack In Kealakokua Hawaii
08 - Now Is The Hour
09 - Sweat Leilani
10 - Little Brown Gal
11 - Mauna Loa
12 - To You Sweetheart Aloha
Hi Niko...
Thanks so much for your blog.
You dont put new records since febraury. Do you have any problem?
I want to get in touch with you.
I worked for a magazine (www.acetonemagazine.org) and I want to ask you something-
Could it possible?
Thanks again, and hope to have news from you.
m (mmmtttsss@hotmail.com)
Bonjour à tout le monde et merci de l'intéret que vous portez à TamTam & Mélodie,
En effet, nous n'avons pas publié d'autres post depuis février 2007. Patience, d'autres LP vont arriver.
Mais le travail prend beaucoup de place ces temps-ci en plus de petites vacances à venir.
A great request for a great blog: THE 50 GUITARS OF TOMMY GARRETT - MARIA ELENA (re-post?) . Thanks- ALEX.
je suis, comme de nombreux autres je pense, très impatient de vous revoir.
MErci pour vos posts.
j'adore Tam Tam et Mélodie qui me berce avec insouciance.
I have album cover for Hawaiian Pure Gold for Scorpio in .jpg form. Will send if given instructions.
What's up with the blog?
Everything ok with you?
We miss you a lot! :(
Please come back...
We are waiting for a long time..
What happened?
We are looking for new albums..
best regards,
D�sol� pour mon mauvais Fran�ais. Je suis br�silien.J'�cris avec un dictionnaire!
Je veux � te demander de signaler encore le Percussive Jazz for a Doctores Stereo svp!
S'il �tait possible, je volont� tr�s heureuse ! Avec reconnaissance
Obrigado! Merci
Wonderful blog.
Je regrette beaucoup que vous n'enchantiez plus nos oreilles de ces melodies rares et hors du temps
A bientôt ?
I started a South Pacific Music Blog
Want to be a Mod?
Merci pour la music! C'est tres belle!
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