Tam Tam & Mélodie se veut un blog libre. Libre de danser frénétiquement sur des rythmes sauvages. Libre de s'enivrer d'atmosphères exotiques. Libre de fréquenter sa majesté le Jazz.
TAM TAM & Mélodie renaîtra toujours de ses cendres!
Tous les liens sont mis à jour à la demande.
N'oubliez pas de laisser quelques commentaires pertinents.
I just wanted to thank you for your great blog. Updated regularly with a great musical taste and perfect files. There are not many blogs like yours, to me this is among the top five on the web. I´m always looking forward to Monday, when your blog is updated.
Oh, I have come late to the party and this file is "not found." I am so sorry to have missed it. Maybe you will post again later? Thanks for sharing your terrific collection!
3 commentaires:
Nico. Thanks for all your great posts. Especially this one. Timbo
Hi Nico,
I just wanted to thank you for your great blog. Updated regularly with a great musical taste and perfect files. There are not many blogs like yours, to me this is among the top five on the web. I´m always looking forward to Monday, when your blog is updated.
Keep up your great work! :o)
Oh, I have come late to the party and this file is "not found." I am so sorry to have missed it. Maybe you will post again later? Thanks for sharing your terrific collection!
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