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05 juin 2015

Richard Hayman & The Manhattan Pops Orchestra - Tender Moments (Time Series 2000 52033)

Retour de Richard Hayman. Comparez cet album en Mono avec la version Stereo. Comme toujours, rip à partir du Lp original. Bonne écoute!

L'album + pochette : ici

Richard Hayman & The Manhattan Pops Orchestra - Tender Moments (Time Series 2000 S-2033)

Et la version Stereo... Comme toujours, rip à partir du Lp original. Bonne écoute!

L'album + pochette : ici

4 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...

Thank you for this Richard Hayman album.

- der bajazzo

almason a dit...

Dear Niko,
Thanks for this beautifully arranged album, and for all the marvelous musical gifts you always bring to us.

I must report however that my firefox browser refuses to download the mono version, with this warning -

Blocked: May contain a virus or spyware.zippyshare.com

I hope it is not a problem for you. As always thanks and best wishes from


Byron Bay, Australia

almason a dit...

Dear Niko,

I misreported, I'm sorry - the mono version did download, and plays fine.

There was a warning however - but where it came from I do not know.

If there was a problem it has fixed itself!

Thanks again for your wonderful blog. (I love Earl Grant!)


Byron Bay, Australia

Muff Diver a dit...

The Time Series 2000 is never disappointing. Thank you, Niko!