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18 juin 2006

Stanley Black and His Orchestra - Exotic Percussion (Phase 4 P 54004)

Exotica... Vous avez dit Exotica? La nuit mystérieuse dégage un parfum envoutant. Du fin fond de la jungle, la musique de Stanley Black and His Orchestra - Exotic Percussion. LP original mono, rip en stereo. Gros travail de restauration.

L'album + pochette : ici

8 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...

Thanks a lot! I could not imagine such a superb LP. Moroccored

Anonyme a dit...

I'm listening to this album in the moment :)

Anonyme a dit...

Thanks for posting Niko, but the copy I downloaded sounds awful. Does anyone else not get all the scratchy noise that I'm hearing?

NIKO a dit...

Salut anonyme,

Je rapelle que le rip doit être écouter en STEREO.
Si tu écoutes en mono, tu n'auras qu'un canal parasite.

Bonne continuation.

Traitor Vic a dit...

That was it! I was listening to it on my Mac at work (through the one little speaker in the front of the box). I brought it home to my PC and my Stereo and it sounds Beautiful!

Thanks so much!

Anonyme a dit...

Oh no... :( The file is no longer there on rapidshare. Could You (or anyone who has got it) please reupload this? Thank You.
ps Great Blog

Anonyme a dit...

Salut Niko
Tu pourrais remonter cet album magnifique s'il vous plaît
s'il vous plaît s'il vous plaît

Any middle-aged German Witch in Amerika a dit...

Merci bien!